Thursday, 10 November 2011

What's your postcard story?

Today is 10th November, the 23rd day. Or... the 365th day.

For about a month now I'm taking part in a project which must've been created with freaks like myself in mind. ;)

It's very simple. You log in and click "send a postcard". Then you get an e-mail with address of a random person somewhere in the world and you have to send this person a postcard. You put a special ID number on it and when that person gets your card s/he will register it by this number, so that then also you can be sent a postcard by another random user from some place, sometimes far far away.

I like the idea of this project. You get what you give. Apart from the exchange aspect, it's also nice that someone puts some effort into sending me something I might like (you have a user profile where you write about what you'd like to see or/and read about on your postcards). But the best part is that it's hand-written.
I looove writing e-mails, they're so quick. Writing letters, on the other hand, might be seem as a waste of time, because it takes just too much of our most valued asset. But when we're short of time postcard seems like a great solution. It's simple. It has a limited space. (Although you would be surprised how much writing I can squeeze into my cards!;]) Since it's hand written, it can sometimes take me some time to read it. Maybe sometimes I can't read everything because simply it's just not legible, but I always try and it always makes me smile to hold something that travelled its whole way just to reach ME.

And it works both ways. It's great getting the registration message with people telling you how they liked what you've done for them too. :)

So for over a month now I've been telling random people all over the world about how it is to be me! = ) Sounds crazy... I know. But get this. You're supposed to receive as many postcards as you've sent. There are statistics on each profile. But there seems to be some kind of mistake in the system... because I'm the only one getting more postcards that I sent! Well... crazy people attract craziness I guess. ;)

Have a nice evening everyone and for those of you who, like me, take pleasure in sending cards, here's the link:


  1. I prefer to read you in English and it's surprising for me. Your English is better than your mother tongue ;)
    But let's going to the heart of matter. Project, that you've described, seems very interesting. I'll try to look at this in some spare time but nowadays it's hard to find any free minute. Good luck Kasia.

  2. I would like to deny this particular rumour :) My Polish is much better than my English!!! But thanks for a kind word. Much appreciated. K.
